Carvin Malone
Admiralty Estate, Road Town
Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Tel (284)-494-4345
September 2, 2002
Curriculum Vitae
Pace University of NY. - BBA Public Accounting - 1981
Management Experiences:
Berger/CBE (BVI) Limited -- Br. Virgin Islands --- Co-Principal -- 2000 to present
Formed an alliance with The Louis Berger Group, a leading engineering establishment which is headquartered in the USA. In addition to environmental and transport the company would be engaged in all aspects of civil and structural engineering.
Caribbean Basin Enterprises, Inc. - Md. USA - Vice-President & CEO - Sept. 1995 to Present
Responsible for the complete development of this Export Services Company from it's inception. Duties include:
a) Developing and maintaining the vision of the company.
b) Preparation of the company's business plan and credit applications with a view of providing funding for new or continuing operations.
c) Oversee sales, market development, procurement, product development, and product distribution.
Virgin Islands Block Company, Ltd - Tor. BVI - General Manager - Oct. 1982 to Aug. 1995.
Responsible to the Board of Directors for the development and strategic positioning of this Building Material Retail Company in the British Virgin Islands. Accomplishments included:
a) Preparation of the company's business plan and successfully negotiated term loan and working capital funding.
b) Development and opening of two additional retail branches.
c) Development and operation of the company's marine operations.
d) Oversee sales, market development, procurement, and product distribution.
Malone Group Property Investment, Ltd. - Tor. BVI - Project Co-Ordinator - Jan. 1988 to Dec 1993.
Responsible to the Board of Directors for the introduction and development of residential and commercial properties for this real estate development company. Accomplishments included:
a) Preparation of the company's business plan and successfully
negotiated construction loans and long term financing.
b) Contracted architects, engineers, and construction companies for various building projects.
c) Negotiated long term commercial and residential lease contracts.
Quasi-Governmental Experiences:
H.Lavity Stoutt Community College - BVI - Board Member - 1990 to Present
As a board member and chairman of the Business Development Sub-Committee our responsibilities include:
a) Evaluating and conveying to the board, the educational need of the business community.
b) Evaluation and approval of the college's operational budget.
c) Evaluation and approval of program curriculum.
British Virgin Islands Port Authority - BVI - Board Member - 1990 to 1995
As a board member and chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, our accomplishments included:
a) annual review and presentation to the board of departments
b) examination and approval of capital budgets.
c) formulation and approval of authority's policies and guidelines.
d) evaluation of consultants reports.
e) approval of tariffs in conformity with operational and political requirements.
Development Bank of The Virgin Islands - BVI - Board Member - 1986 to 1990
As a board member of this government owned development bank, accomplishments, included:
a) Monthly review and approval of development loan applications.
b) Approval of the Bank's policies and guidelines.
c) Approval of new services to the general public.
d) Annual review and approval of operation budgets.
e) Review and approval of capital expenditures.
Fiscal Advisory Committee - BVI - Board Member - 1988 to 1990
As a board member of this committee which was commissioned to submit changes to current legislation to the government of the British Virgin Islands, our major accomplishments include:
a) Review of Development Incentives.
b) Development of Off Shore insurance legislation.
Land Development Control Authority - BVI - Board Member - 1984 to 1988
As a board member of this authority, accomplishments included:
a) Monthly review and approval of all applications for the sub-division of lands, constructions of homes and commercial buildings, and the development of major hotel projects.
b) Annual review and approval of operation budgets.
Social & Community Experiences:
Virgin Islands Party - President - Oct 1999 to present
As President of the Virgin Islands Party the goal is first to preserve the rich heritage and culture of our parents and ancestors and second to build on the economic foundations that have been instituted to give equal opportunity to all.
Lions Club International Member - BVI - Past Club President - 1987 to present
As Past President of the Lions Club of Tortola, our major goals and accomplishments include:
a) Fund raising activities geared at providing service to the less fortunate.
b) Introduction of a school base "Skills for Growing" program.
c) Preparation and submittal of the club's operational budget to the Board of Directors.
Hotel & Commerce Association (Chamber of Commerce) - BVI - Past Chairman - 1983 to 1986
As Past President of the Chamber of Commerce of The British Virgin Islands, our major accomplishments include:
a) Participation in "Miami Conference of the Caribbean.
b) Participation in "Puerto Rico's Point Four Conference"
c) Review of the pros and cons of the "Caribbean Basin Initiative - 936 Program.
d) Implementation of an Annual Recognition Award Dinner.
e) Host various career training programs.
BVI Lawn Tennis Association - Past President - 1994 to 1995 and 2001 to Present
Successfully implemented youth development training program.
Joint sponsors and organizers of BVI Tennis Opens